Every last Sunday of the month, the Naviglio Grande comes alive and hosts the Antiques Market. A fixed point for vintage lovers, you can buy everything at the Mercatone: if you are looking for gems or unmissable bargains, you are in the right place.
There are many exhibitors, around 400, and the route extends over two kilometres. The many colorful stalls offer from antique furniture and vintage furnishings, to 60s prints, jewellery, used clothes, collections of books, records and comics.
The climate is relaxed and fun, if you feel like it you can do a lot of business, and everything is seasoned with the beautiful setting of the Naviglio Grande, its shops and its timeless atmosphere. And if there is too much crowd or you want to do For a short break between one stall and another, the Belé Restaurant awaits you for a peaceful lunch where you can recharge your batteries to continue the walk and the negotiations!